Friday, December 23, 2011

Inaugural Post!

    Christmas is almost here and with the new year approaching it's only a matter of weeks until I'm boarding a plane to Santiago, Chile! In light of this, I've decided to go ahead and create a blog to keep in touch with everyone back home and to keep everyone up to speed on where I am and what I'm doing. I've never had a blog before, so if I don't post frequently enough, or too frequently, or if my posts are a little hackneyed, you'll have to forgive me. I'll try to keep things as interesting, informative and insightful as possible!
    So you may be wondering why I called my blog "180 Degrees South", or you may be wondering what the hell it is I'm doing anyway that merits a blog. Well, I stole the title from a very good documentary by the same name about a group of adventurers who, emulating a legendary surfing and climbing trek accomplished in the 60's, learn about environmental conservation in Chile. I took the name because, well, I liked the sound of it, but also because I think it describes how I came to this point. Until my senior year of college I figured I would try to find a good job and settle down right out of school. But as my final semester approached I became possessed by a certain restlessness that ended up turning into an intense desire to travel and experience life in another country. And so, heading down the path towards a career at home after graduation, I decided to turn 180 degrees and head in the other direction. It turns out that direction is South.
   So, what exactly is it that I'm doing? I'm participating in a volunteer program run by the Chilean government called English Opens Doors. The program, co-sponsored by the U.N., pairs native English speakers with Chilean English teachers in public schools to give Chilean students face time with native English speakers and hopefully improve their English. During my nine months I'll be staying with a host family who will also provide my meals. I don't know who my host family is yet, and I don't know where in Chile I'm going yet. In fact, I won't find out until just a few weeks before I leave (yikes). But, I requested to be placed somewhere in the southern part of Chile where the scenery and the fishing are supposed to be out of this world. If you wanna see what I mean, Google "Chilean Patagonia" and prepare to have your mind blown. I don't know a whole lot about Chile yet but from what I do know it sounds like a very unique and interesting place and I'm very excited that I'll be calling it home in just a couple months!